Researchers Found This Simple Formula Was The Key To Likability

Here’s how to use it to communicate better

Carlyn Beccia
4 min readMar 20, 2022


Researchers Found This Simple Formula Was The Key To Likability
Pexels | Photo by Maria Orlova

Six years ago, Hank Hill set the internet ablaze when he created his irreverent "Crazy/Hot Matrix." In his viral YouTube video, Hill sketched out a chart to identify which women men should avoid and which women they should pursue.

His theory was that a woman should stay in a crazy/hot sweet spot — attractive but not too crazy. Swing too far into the "crazy" zone, and it doesn't matter how hot she is. Swing too far into the not-hot, and it doesn't matter how not-crazy she is. Or so he claimed.

Of course, women were not happy with him.

But despite its misguided heuristic, his matrix contains a hilarious truism—your personality is a balancing act of good and bad traits.

Today, a content creator’s personality is their brand. And every brand has a sweet spot that seduces the public. In a study by Princeton University, researchers found that sweet spot, and it is surprisingly simple.

Competence + Warmth = Likability.

The researchers found that 82% of our likability is based on someone's warmth and charm. The remaining 18% is their competence.



Carlyn Beccia

Author & illustrator. My latest books — 10 AT 10, MONSTROUS: THE LORE, GORE, & SCIENCE, and THEY LOST THEIR HEADS. Contact: