I will hit a little lower and say Medium has become no better than TikTok lately. And I didn’t feel that way when I first started writing on this platform in 2020. I keep hoping to see this platform return to its previous standards and I am starting to lose hope. (Firing the gatekeepers didn't help.)
The latest trend is for Medium writers to troll TikTok and write third-grade book reports on trending TikTok videos. Fitzgerald called it “nibbling on the edge of stale ideas.” I see it as more of a dog eating its own vomit.
If Medium wants higher standards, it has to clean up the bottom feeders. Don’t allow unsourced articles. Stop the plagiarism from other content vehicles. Yes, this will take work. But Medium can’t compete with TikTok. It has to carve out a different niche.
Branding is not my wheelhouse like it is yours. But to my uneducated eye, I see this as a huge branding problem on credibility.