Heather, I so would love to sit down in a pub with you and exchange family horror stories. Let's just say everything your dad did, my mom did too.
My sisters birthday is three days before mine. She would always throw her a big party and then when my birthday came...nothing. Not even a "Happy Birthday" sometimes. And when you are child, that is harder to process.
This year my mom threw my sister a birthday party on MY BIRTHDAY. I got a big nothing. Not even acknowlegement of the day.
So yes, I explain this to boyfriends. Birthdays are a trigger for me. It's why I go overboard on other's birthdays too. I never want anyone to feel that pain.
And what we are asking for is simple. Yep a rock would do. Just acknowlege the day. It's NOT about materialistic gifts. If anything, flashy gifts make me wildly uncomfortable. But missing a birthday sets me right back to my chidhood , realizing my parents did not love us the same.