Empathy is not giving your shirt off your back. That’s self-sacrifice - a discussion for another day. All empathetic people know you have to put your oxygen mask on first, or you are useless to both yourself and others.
Put another way, you don’t have to give the shirt off your back to see that some people don’t have shirts. You can keep your shirt (you will need it) while working to fix the inequalities that have made others shirtless. And you certainly don’t need to get shirtless and give anyone “access to your body.” I am sorry if others have hurt you enough to make you feel empathy will lead to nakedness. It only does when you have weak boundaries.
As far as your personal attack, I hope you have enough self-awareness to set your own priorities. But given your combative response, I am guessing I hit a nerve for a reason. (Btw, that was not empathy. That's sympathy. Big difference.)
Either way, my job is to write about culture and how society reacts to shifting norms. Your response is exactly the attitude that has hurt the feminist movement. And the saddest part about this exchange is the women who will agree with you are the loudest voices.
Go ahead and keep pulling the ladder up behind you, but don’t be surprised if you are lonely at the top.