Cher, Thank you for sharing your story. I don’t want people to read this article and think every situation can fit into neat little boxes. There are always exceptions.
In your situation, it sounds like he did not understand the ball he had put in motion. And it took you confronting him with the raw truth for him to see what he was about to lose. What you risk reveals what you value. But sometimes people don’t understand what they are valuing until they fully know the risk they are taking.
You had the grace and dignity to forgive your partner so I hope you can give yourself the same kindness and forgive yourself for the phone checking. Just don’t do it again.😉
I hate when people say hackneyed phrases like, “once a cheater, always a cheater.” Please. I know so many couples who weathered infidelity and went on to be stronger. People screw up, and that doesn’t make them screwups. It makes them human.
I wish you the best of luck in your relationship. I suspect your relationship changed because you made it change. And that is a powerful thing.